Terms and Conditions for Ticket Purchase

I. Introductory provisions
These terms and conditions and the complaints policy (hereinafter referred to as the "Terms and Conditions for the purchase of tickets") govern the rights and obligations of Eventlook s.r.o., ID: 19156481, with registered office at Belgická 280/1, Vinohrady (Prague 2), 120 00 Prague, Prague 2 registered in commercial register maintained by the Municipal Court in Prague, section C, file 212454 (hereinafter referred to as "Eventlook") and third parties when selling tickets for any cultural, sports and/or other events organized by the Organizer (hereinafter referred to as "Events"), but within the maximum sales duration 120 days before , via Eventlook. The Organizer of the Event is a natural or legal person other than Eventlook, which ensures and organizes the Event and which is the seller of tickets for the Event (hereinafter referred to as the "Organizer"). The Organizer's identification and contact details are always listed for a specific Event. These Terms and Conditions for the purchase of tickets form an integral part of the contract concluded between the Organizer as the seller and the buyer of tickets for the Event through Eventlook, and the buyer, by purchasing tickets, simultaneously confirms that he has become familiar with these Terms and Conditions for the purchase of tickets. Eventlook sells tickets through the website www.eventlook.cz, or websites that redirect to www.eventlook.cz, and further through their sales points, or the sales points of Eventlook's contractual partners, incl. brick-and-mortar stores, websites and/or other applications of the Organizers or other contractual partners of Eventlook (hereinafter referred to as the "Sales Network"). The purchase of tickets through the Sales Network is also considered to be a purchase within the framework of bulk orders directly from Eventlook, through its sales or other department. Contacting Eventlook means contacting the authorized person at their specific phone number or e-mail, if known, or at the general phone or e-mail listed in the Contacts section.
II. Object of the contract
The subject of the contract is the obligation of Eventlook to deliver tickets to the buyer for the Event of his choice on behalf of and at the expense of the Organizer, in the quantity required by the buyer limited by the availability of tickets handed over for sale to Eventlook by the Organizer, and the buyer's obligation to pay the entrance fee for the tickets. The contract is concluded upon payment of the entrance fee by the buyer. Eventlook undertakes to deliver tickets to the buyer without undue delay after payment of the entrance fee, with the proviso that in the case of purchasing tickets via the Internet they will be delivered in electronic form to the e-mail address entered by the buyer and in the case of purchasing tickets in another way in the Sales Network (at the ticket office at Eventlook, or at the Eventlook business partner) the tickets will be delivered to the buyer immediately after payment of the entrance fee by the relevant employee from whom the buyer purchases the tickets. The buyer is not entitled to the delivery of the tickets before the admission fee for the tickets has been paid in full. By the delivery of the tickets to the buyer by Eventlook, all obligations of Eventlook arising from the contract are fulfilled.
III. Rights and obligations of the contracting parties in relation to the event for which tickets are purchased
The buyer acknowledges that Eventlook is not the Organizer of the individual Events for which tickets are sold. Eventlook ensures the production, sale and distribution of tickets to buyers for individual Events always on behalf and on behalf of their Organizer, based on the contractual relationship between Eventlook and the Organizer of the Event. The purchase of a ticket for the Event creates a legal relationship between the buyer and the Organizer of this Event. Eventlook therefore bears no responsibility for the fulfillment of the obligations of the Event Organizer, which result from the contractual relationship between the buyer and the Event Organizer. Eventlook is in no way responsible for the holding of any Event or for the fact that it will not take place, it is not responsible for any change to the Events or their dates or venue, nor is it responsible for their course, for any events that may occur at the Events or for any facts , which would have their origin in the holding or non-holding of the Event. Eventlook is not responsible for any obligations of the Event Organizer. Furthermore, Eventlook is not responsible for any pecuniary or non-pecuniary damage caused to the buyer or another person by the Organizer of the Event, or which would occur to the buyer or any third party in connection with the Event. All claims of the buyer or third parties must always be submitted to the Event Organizer. By purchasing a ticket, the buyer undertakes to comply with the rules set by the Organizer of the Event. Furthermore, by purchasing a ticket, the buyer undertakes to comply with the operating and visiting regulations of the Event venue. The organizer of each Event reserves the right to change its program, date and venue. By purchasing a ticket, the customer acknowledges this right of the Organiser. Eventlook is not responsible for the validity and authenticity of tickets purchased outside the Sales Network.
IV. Ticket purchase procedure and payment terms
The price for each ticket is listed for each Event individually. Any additional fees or costs associated with the purchase of a ticket are also listed for each Event. Eventlook is entitled to add to the customer's ticket price a service fee for processing prticket sales through the Sales Network. The service fee belongs to Eventlook as compensation for the costs associated with processing the order, issuing the ticket and delivering it to the customer and is paid by the customer. In the event that the customer is entitled to a refund of the entrance fee, Eventlook will also refund the paid service fee to the customer. This does not affect Article III. paragraph 1 of these Terms and Conditions for purchase. In the case of purchasing a ticket via the website www.eventlook.cz, payment for the ticket is only possible by payment card, bank transfer, invoice, "Twisto" payment or through employee benefit programs, if the customer's employer allows it. "Twisto" payment is provided by the company Twisto payments a.s., ID number: 01615165, registered in the commercial register maintained by the Municipal Court in Prague, section B, insert 19085, with registered office at Újezd 450/40, Malá Strana, 118 00 Prague 1 on the basis of the "Twisto" invoice by assignment of claim for payment payments with an extended maturity to Twisto payments a.s., under the conditions specified in the "Twisto payments a.s. General Terms and Conditions". In the event that the buyer uses the "Twisto" service mediated by Eventlook and provided by Twisto payments a.s., the buyer is obliged to pay ( i.e. the total price and possibly shipping costs) within 14 days from the date of delivery of the ticket. The purchase contract is concluded by filling out the order by the buyer, accepting the order by Eventlook (written confirmation by e-mail) and paying for the ordered goods by the buyer or by using the "Twisto ". The buyer agrees that by selecting the "Twisto" service in the Eventlook shopping cart and after approving the payment with "Twist", he accepts the "General terms and conditions of Twisto payments a.s.". Eventlook is not responsible for any costs incurred by the buyer in connection with the purchase of a ticket resulting from the contractual relationship between the buyer and the bank that issued the buyer's payment card, or which maintains a bank account for the buyer, or from the contractual relationship with Twisto payments a.s., through which the buyer paid the entrance fee. By purchasing tickets through the benefit services of the following companies, Sodexo, eBenefity, Edenred, Benefity and Benefit Plus, the buyer agrees to accept the terms and conditions of these companies. Tickets are not sent by post, not even by cash on delivery. V. Withdrawal from the contract In accordance with the provisions of § 1837 letter j) of Act No. 89/2012 Coll., Civil Code, as amended, the buyer does not have the right to withdraw from the contract concluded between the buyer and the Organizer through Eventlook in accordance with the provisions of § 1829 of the Civil Code (withdrawal from the contract within 14 days without giving reasons), and this considering that it is a contract for the use of free time and the fulfillment is provided by the entrepreneur, i.e. in this case the Organizer of the Event, on the specified date.
VI. Complaints Procedure
All complaints about tickets purchased from Eventlook through the Sales Network are governed by these Business Terms and Conditions for the purchase of tickets and the complaint procedure stated in this Article VI. The buyer is entitled to a refund of the entrance fee for the ticket only in the cases listed below and under the conditions listed below. The buyer is not entitled to exchange the ticket, unless otherwise stipulated in these Terms and Conditions. In the event of damage, destruction, loss, theft or other impairment of the ticket, the ticket will not be replaced with a new one and the buyer will not be provided with compensation or refunded the price paid for the ticket. Eventlook bears no responsibility for the fact that the ticket is not delivered to the buyer for reasons on the part of the buyer, in particular for the reasons that it is not possible to deliver the ticket to the buyer's e-mail address (e.g. an overflowing inbox, spam filter, etc.). If the buyer has not received the ticket no later than 1 hour after paying the entrance fee, he is obliged to contact Eventlook immediately, but no later than 24 hours from the date of expiry of the above-mentioned deadline for delivery of the ticket, and report that he has not received the paid ticket. For these purposes, the buyer is obliged to inform Eventlook of the name, surname and e-mail, which he indicated as contact, or identification data when purchasing a ticket. In the event that Eventlook discovers that the ticket has not really been delivered to the buyer, and it is not the case mentioned in the previous paragraph 4 of this complaint procedure, and at the same time the buyer has informed Eventlook that the ticket has not been delivered to him, within the above-mentioned period and in the above-mentioned manner, it will further proceeded as follows: Eventlook undertakes to send the buyer the ticket again to the buyer's specified e-mail within 24 hours at the latest, but no later than 1 hour before the Event takes place, in the event that the Event has already taken place, Eventlook undertakes to return the paid entrance fee to the buyer, and no later than 30 days from the day the buyer claims. In the event that the Organizer changes the venue or date of the Event or completely cancels the Event, the buyer who provided Eventlookyour e-mail informed about this fact. Eventlook is not responsible to the buyer for the fact that it will not be possible to reach him in time through this contact, nor for the fact that the buyer receives a notification sent on time with a delay. If the Organizer changes the date of the Event, the buyer has the right to a refund of the entrance fee or to exchange the ticket for a voucher for another purchase. The buyer can exercise this right no later than the 5th (fifth) working day following the original date of the Event and only if the ticket has not yet been used. If the buyer does not exercise his right within the specified period, it is considered that he is interested in participating in the Event on the changed date. In the event that the date of the Event is changed due to reasons beyond the control of the Organizer due to force majeure (e.g. natural disasters, epidemics, decisions of public authorities), the ticket remains valid for the changed date and the buyer has no right to a refund or exchange tickets. If the Organizer completely cancels the Event, the buyer has the right to a refund of the entrance fee or a voucher for another purchase. The buyer can exercise the right to a refund of the entrance fee or a voucher for another purchase no later than the 5th (fifth) working day following the Event date. If the buyer does not exercise his right within the stated period, the buyer has the right only to exchange the ticket for a voucher for the next purchase. In the event that the Event is completely canceled for reasons beyond the control of the Organizer due to force majeure (e.g. natural disasters, epidemics, decisions of public authorities), the buyer has the right only to exchange the ticket for a voucher for the next purchase. Eventlook will refund the entrance fee in the manner described below and only up to the amount of funds provided to Eventlook by the Organizer. These funds are mainly funds that Eventlook has received from buyers for the sale of tickets and which have not yet been transferred to the Event Organizer. In the part in which the buyer's claims are not satisfied, the buyer is solely responsible for the Organizer of the canceled Event and not Eventlook. In the event that the conditions for the refund of the entrance fee according to paragraphs 7 to 9 of this complaint procedure are met, the entrance fee will be refunded to the buyer in the following way: in the case of an electronic purchase of a ticket via the website www.eventlook.cz, the entrance fee will be refunded via a payment card that the payment of the entrance fee has been made, and in case of payment by bank transfer to the bank account from which the entrance fee was sent, in the case of purchasing a ticket at an Eventlook point of sale or an Eventlook contractual partner point of sale, the entrance fee will be returned in the manner chosen by the buyer (cash, non-cash, voucher ) with the fact that the condition for refunding the entrance fee is that the buyer without undue delay (at the latest within 5 working days from the original date of the canceled Event) arrives at the point of sale where he bought the ticket for the Event and returns the purchased and unused tickets, in case purchase of a ticket via "Twisto" payment according to Article IV. paragraph 3 informs Eventlook Twisto payments a.s. about payment cancellation. The entrance fee is subsequently returned to the buyer by Twisto payments a.s. according to the "General terms and conditions of Twisto payments a.s.". in the event of a refund of the entrance fee via a voucher for another purchase, Eventlook will send the voucher to the contact email entered by the buyer when purchasing the ticket. In other cases, the use of vouchers is governed by the Terms and Conditions for the purchase of vouchers. if the tickets are paid through benefit services (Sodexo, eBenefity, Edenred, Benefity and Benefit Plus) or in cash via the Sazky terminal, the customer will receive a voucher for another purchase in the value of the purchased tickets in the event of cancellation of the event. The voucher can be redeemed when purchasing any tickets on the Eventlook website. The voucher is valid indefinitely. Any complaints other than those mentioned above will be addressed by Eventlook or handled directly by the Organizer. At the customer's request, the customer will be provided with direct contact with the Organizer. Eventlook cannot claim a ticket for any Event that the customer did not purchase in the Sales Network in any way.
VII. Out-of-court settlement of disputes
In the event that a consumer dispute arises between the Organizer of the Event and a customer who is a consumer in connection with the purchase of a ticket for the Event organized by the Organizer or in connection with the conduct or progress of the Event, which cannot be resolved by mutual agreement between this customer and the organizer, the customer can submit a proposal for an out-of-court settlement of such a dispute to the designated entity for out-of-court settlement of consumer disputes, which is the Czech Trade Inspection, Central Inspectorate - ADR Department, Štěpánská 15, 120 00 Prague 2, e-mail: [email protected], web: http: //adr.coi.cz. The customer can also use the online dispute resolution platform established by the European Commission on the website http://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/.
VIII. Protection of personal data when purchasing
During the sale of tickets, Eventlook processes personal data provided by the buyer when purchasing a ticket, in accordance with thelady's privacy. In case of incorrectly entered data (e.g. typo in name or phone number), the buyer is obliged to contact Eventlook. IX Final provisions Should any of the provisions of these Terms and Conditions for the purchase of tickets prove to be invalid or ineffective, this does not affect the validity and effectiveness of other provisions of these Terms and Conditions for the purchase of tickets, which are severable from the invalid or ineffective provision. Eventlook is entitled to change these Terms and Conditions for the purchase of tickets at any time. All provisions of these Terms and Conditions for the purchase of tickets and the contractual relationship between the Organiser, the buyer and Eventlook are governed by Czech law. All disputes arising from the purchase of tickets through Eventlook will be resolved in the general courts of the Czech Republic, unless they are settled out of court.
In Prague on April 28, 2023, Eventlook, s.r.o.